Day 10

Sunday, 12 July 2020
  Towson, MD to Elkton, MD
53.5 miles, 4h33m, 11.7 mph
Elapsed Time: 7h21m, Max speed: 35.5mph
Total Climbing: 2621ft, Max elevation: 553ft
Total mileage: 554.9

The last day with hills. Nice countryside.

Horse country. There was a bunch of them running around for no apparent reason. Probably for fun.
These guys were watching.

I imagine they were running because that's what they do. I think this is Merryland Farm.
They make race horses here.

My new Garmin has this helpful feature that tells me when I have climbs coming.
Not sure the criteria, but there were only two climbs on this ride worthy of Garmin's note.

After a lot of climbing on the inaptly named "Bottom Road" I ended up in Fallston. On a bike path made from trees.

And soon after that I was magically in Bel Air marveling at their wonderous District Courts and Multi-Service Center.

On the next block they have a really nice old courthouse with the Circuit Court in the back.

Several miles later I met up with more supporters at the brand new Hopkins Farm Brewery.
It was this guy's idea.

Thanks to Mike and Maxine and Lee and Linda for giving me an excuse to drink beer and eat truck food in the middle
of a bike ride. 

The adventure continued with a rare bicycle crossing of the Hatem Bridge. It's only legal on weekends and holidays,
and you have to press a button to make those lights flash.  And since they did away wth the toll booths you have to carry
an EZPass. Eight bucks. Same as a car because bicycles and cars have the same number of axles.

This is what it looks like. Note the generous shoulder.

Eventually I rolled into Elkton. At the head of the Elk River. Home of Elk River Brewing. And this court house. And mail box.

I've been following the East Coast Greenway quite a bit today, but I think this is the end of the line for the ECG and me.
I'm heading down the eastern shore tomorrow.


"Maryland 2020" Copyright © 2020 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.