Day 11

Monday, 13 July 2020
  Elkton, MD to Chestertown, MD
43.2 miles, 3h37m, 12.0 mph
Elapsed Time: 4h27m, Max speed: 32.0mph
Total Climbing: 1017ft, Max elevation: 138ft
Total mileage: 598.1

I got a late start because this would be a fairly short run down to Chestertown. The big climb of the day
(not recognized by my Garmin) was the bridge over the C&D Canal. There was lots of high-speed traffic and no
shoulder, so I took the sidewalk.

And I actually walked. The sidewalk was too narrow for riding considering the winds that were kicked up by passing trucks.
And they way they bounce the bridge.

Otherwise there was not a lot of scenery. Lots of farmland.

Some fix-er-up-ers.

I was in Chestertown a bit after noon and tooled around town a bit. This is former major league local boy Bill Nicholson,
whom I had never heard of.

I missed the court house the first time I rode by. It is hidden amongst a bunch of churches.
I have a long day tomorrow with four courthouses on the docket.


"Maryland 2020" Copyright © 2020 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.