Day 8

Saturday, 4 July 2020
  Prince Frederick, MD to Millersville, MD
63.4 miles, 5h30m, 11.5 mph
Elapsed Time: 6h44m, Max speed: 32.9mph
Total Climbing: 2329ft, Max elevation: 188ft
Total mileage: 452.5

Last day of the first week. I got an early start up MD4 to try to beat the heat.

After several days on high-traffic roads I'm starting to think that I've taken in a lot of car exhaust.
But then I got out into the country for a spell and started to feel better.

I crossed the Patuxent River into Prince George's County and up the hill to Upper Marlboro.
This is the old courthouse that serves as a front door to the whole courthouse complex.
It most recently burned in 2004. Probably a couple times before that. It happens.

And Linda met me there to take my bags. So for the last 30 miles I was considerably lighter and slightly less wide.

My fourth and final crossing of the Patuxent River for this trip. The first crossing was way up between Mount Airy and Damascus
when it was just a little stream.

I was spotted on my climb up the hill toward Davidsonville. (Photo: Debbie)

And my masked public was out in force to greet me in Davidsonville. From a safe distance.

And there were photo ops. (Debbie Photo)

After the festivities I was back on the road, heading for Annapolis and its many courthouses and things.
This is Anne Arundel County District Court--where I would go if I ever wanted to fight a traffic ticket.

And the Court of Appeals--the highest court in Maryland. Where I went to get sworn in as a lawyer.

And the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court. Where I go for jury duty.

I figured I might as well swing by the State House while I was in the neighborhood.

Then it was up the B&A Trail and home for a week of rest and relaxation. In the office.


"Maryland 2020" Copyright © 2020 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.