Day 7

Friday, 3 July 2020
  Lexington Park, MD to Prince Frederick, MD
42.1 miles, 3h37m, 11.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 4h43m, Max speed: 29.5mph
Total Climbing: 827ft, Max elevation: 236ft
Total mileage: 389.1

It wasn't as hot as I expected tody. Probably because the headwind helped keep me cool.
I've really sucked up a lot of car exhaust the last few days though. Mostly I've been on high-traffic roads.

But today I got to spend some time on the Three Notch Trail. So that was nice.

Which runs past the Charlotte Hall School in Charlotte Hall. I assume this is the chapel.

Crossing the Patuxent River on the Benedict Bridge was no picnic. But I made it.
Soon after that, however, I discovered that I had a screw loose.

It was this screw. This is important because that's my left shoe. I clip out with my left shoe. If a screw is missing
then my shoe just pivots and remains attached to the pedal. This results in an amusing toppling incident.
Fortunately nobody saw me topple over on the shoulder of MD231. I'm pretty sure my rear camera detected the incident and
locked the footage. So I have that to look forward to viewing.

It might not suprise anyone that I actually carry spare shoe hardware for this very reason--it has happened before.
So after a quick repair I was up the road and trying to take an artsy picture of the Calvert County Courthouse.
I assume the little tent is a modern art installation since it includes several bags of sand.

The District Court across the street looks like an apartment building with a facade stuck on the front. At least they have a bike rack.
I'm glad to be done for the day since it's starting to get hot. Tomorrow I ride for home.


"Maryland 2020" Copyright © 2020 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.