Day 6

Thursday, 2 July 2020
  La Plata, MD to Lexington Park, MD
48.8 miles, 4h05m, 10.7 mph
Elapsed Time: 4h36m, Max speed: 32.4mph
Total Climbing: 1263ft, Max elevation: 148ft
Total mileage: 347.0

The original plan for today was to ride all the way to Prince Frederick and then do another long ride to get home on Friday.
But it's supposed to be really hot on Friday, and that would be three long days in a row. So instead I split original
Thursday into two shorter days, and I'll finish this on Friday.
And so I started by riding south on 301.

I was back down at sea level at Allens Fresh.

There were few hills, but plenty of valleys. As a practical matter there is little difference, except instead
of up-down-up it's down-up-down.

As you can see, there are still a couple weeks before total chaos. So plan accordingly.

The shoulder of MD 234 shows the telltale wheel marks of Amish buggies.

Nice variety of barn styles here.

I arrived in Leonardtown shortly before noon. The courthouse has this cannon out front. The sign says it came The Ark--one
of the ships that carried the first settlers to Maryland. They must have a few of them if they leave this one outside.

And here's a picture of my bike.

The District court is about a mile away. It has guns too. They are more menacing, but probably less historically significant.
Or maybe this isn't the District Courthouse. I didn't check.
Not sure why I couldn't get this picture level. I didn't have a liquid lunch. Or any lunch for that matter.

After that I just rode north to MD 235 and then east to Lexington Park. The only reason I went this
far east was to make the ride a reasonable length.
Tomorrow I ride to Prince Frederick to bag Calvert County.


"Maryland 2020" Copyright © 2020 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.