Day 11
Sunday, 7 Jun 2009
Alpena, MI to Tawas City, MI
66.7 miles, 4h53m, 13.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 5h48m, Max speed: 31.6mph
Total Climbing: 988ft, Max elevation: 878ft
Total mileage: 691.3
![Copyright 2002
DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.](Images/Copyright.jpg)
Just why that particular bump deserved a sign is beyond me.
There were 300 equally deserving bumps before it.
Another Bunyanesque character. I don't remember where.
I ate lunch in Harrisville, then
put my
head down and drove for home. I had a very favorable tailwind as
I flew
through the little resort towns on the lake. I encountered a
brief rain
shower just outside of East Tawas, but it wasn't enough to get
me wet.
It didn't rain again until I was safely in my room.
No food within walking distance so I ordered pizza and wings.
The Days
Inn's lame WiFi doesn't reach my room so I'll have to upload
this from
the lobby. This is going to be a big inconvenience in the
morning when
I'm trying to figure out the weather. They have satellite TV and
Weather channel is pretty much useless. The forecast calls for
tomorrow, but I think it's supposed to be a bit warmer. I guess
find out.