Day 12
Monday, 8 Jun 2009
Tawas City, MI to Au Gres, MI
20.1 miles, 1h24m, 14.3 mph
Elapsed Time: 1h52m, Max speed: 18.3mph
Total Climbing: 181ft, Max elevation: 648ft
Total mileage: 711.4
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Drying my crap.
What to do with a whole day
out before me? I had to dry all my crap. I did laundry. I walked
the street to the Subway/convenience store during a break in the
and grabbed lunch. If the weather permits, maybe I'll treat
myself to
McDonalds for dinner--but hopefully I can do better.
In order to make up for the short day today, I'll have to do
about 115
miles tomorrow. It's supposed to be a nice day, so we'll see.