Day 20

Wednesday, 24 Jun 2015
Snowville, UT to Brigham City, UT
55.2 miles, 4h42m, 11.7 mph
Elapsed Time: 5h37m, Max speed: 36.0 mph
Total Climbing: 1883ft, Max elevation: 5245ft
Total mileage: 1176.2

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

The original plan for today was to ride down to Promontory Point and see the site of the Golden Spike. Or I could just ride straight down the interstate
to Brigham City and we could drive over to see the Golden Spike later. That would save 20 miles. So there I was on the interstate.

The end is in sight. 101 miles and I have to go back to work.

Not much to see today aside from sweeping vistas of Utah.

This is where I would have turned off to see the Spike. That's a huge Thiokol facility off in the distance where they made
the solid rocket boosters for the space shuttle.

Did you ever wonder where all the tumbleweeds go? They gather under the interstates. Waiting. Just waiting.

It wouldn't be a bike trip without a complaint about rumble strips.

The only historical marker I passed today. Something about a fort.


"Northwest Tour 2015" Copyright © 2015 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.