Day 2

Sunday, 9 Jun 2013
  Brighton, CO to Fort Morgan, CO
72.4 miles, 5h19m, 13.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 5h56m, Max speed: 30.1mph
Total Climbing: 1016ft, Max elevation: 5124ft
Total mileage: 97.6

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

Nothing much to see today..just grinding out the miles. It was a beautiful day for riding. Not much wind. Lots of sunshine.

I had a strange look on my face at the start. Don't know what that's about.

I seemed to be climbing up gradual hills all the time. I never really had the sense that I
was going downhill overall, like the profile says.

Lots of farms and a few ranches. Nothing to see here.

After 50 miles without passing an open store, I cruised in to the small town of Wiggins. No one seemed to be around. They were all at the town's three restaurants, so I went to the supermarket (which had mostly empty shelves) and bought a couple bananas for lunch. I ate them while riding.

After a day on the prairie, Fort Morgan seems like a major metropolitan area.

Tomorrow I'll get to see some interesting stuff...I think. At least I'll get to ride a few miles of the old Lincoln Highway. Woo-hoo.


"Great Plains Tour 2013" Copyright © 2013 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.