Day 13

Friday, 9 Jun 2017
  Edinburgh, Scotland to Perth, Scotland
47.9 miles, 5h34m, 8.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 8h52m, Max speed: 43.2mph
Total Climbing: 2851ft, Max elevation: 995ft
Total mileage: 792.1

Day 13. Edinburgh to Perth. 48 miles. The theme of the day is aptly represented by this photo.
Edinburgh has a well-developed bike path system. This particular path seems to be flat-prone. Mr. Balint had a flat at the same place
where someone else was fixing one. Lots of glass around.

We crossed the Firth of Forth on the aptly named Forth Road Bridge. It looks like they are building a new one. That is, after we stopped at the
supermarket in the foreground to buy more Lucazade.

Having had his 'Zade fix, Mr. Balint was in a good mood despite his earlier flat tire.

Then another flat.

He fixed that one and we climbed up to some stunning scenery. The weather changed all day. Rain, pissing rain, spitting rain,
drizzle, sun showers--the whole spectrum. Even some sun.

Warm, cold, hot, sweaty. Wardrobe changes all day.

It was a particularly nice place where Mr. Balint scored the hat trick. Each flat was a different spot. Both tires.
No pattern except that the tires were the same brand.

We screamed down this descent in the rain. It was fun and cold.

Finally in the streets of Perth Mr. Balint broke the record with number four. He pumped it up to get across town and ultimately walked
it to the bike shop, arriving just before closing. Now he has nice new tires for tomorrow's long ride.


"End To End 2017" Copyright © 2017 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.