Day 9

Monday, 5 Jun 2017
  Liverpool, Lancashire to Lancaster, Lancashire
64.8 miles, 6h08m, 10.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 7h46m, Max speed: 31.2mph
Total Climbing: 1276ft, Max elevation: 311ft
Total mileage: 551.2

Day 9. Liverpool to Lancaster. 65 miles. With the weather turning bad, the boys dressed up in their rain gear for the first time.
Here John sports a classic ensemble of yellow over black--setting off his orange panniers by Ortlieb. Right for anytime, but really right when it's raining!

Bob has paired his red rain jacket with yellow bag covers by Bruce Gordon. The combination highlights his baggy cycling trousers from Showers Pass.
Casual but classic. (Turns out the best-performing piece of gear was my pair of waterproof socks).

Just north of Liverpool we came upon this beach full of fake people. There were a few real people there too--but very few.
It's Crosby Beach, and a sculpture called Another Place.
The wind was howling. Fortunately it was a tailwind blowing us up the path.

We have both developed a severe dependency on Lucozade. I've been trying to break free by trying other off-brand sports drinks,
but I suspect they are all basically the same. And under control of the Lucozade syndicate.

We were in a hurry to get to Lancaster so we could do laundry. And because it rained all day.
The laundromats in the UK seem to operate only during normal business hours--which is also when we are riding. How do people with jobs do their
laundry? Anyway, the hotel let us do laundry in their machines, so much trouble was saved.

I'm sure nothing bad has ever happened here.
Tomorrow we ride in the rain again--into the Lake District.


"End To End 2017" Copyright © 2017 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.