Day 24: Last day. Our flight doesn't leave until 5:30PM, so we
could visit some cemeteries! First, the historic Elmwood
It even had a CD audio tour. No one was in the office, but they
had thoughtfully left a CD in the office door. I hope it was for
This is historian Shelby Foote, best known for his starring role
in the Ken Burns Civil War documentary series.

Then we drove several miles to wherever Isaac Hayes is buried. I
hear Isaac Hayes was one bad mother...

We discovered that there was still one music-themed museum in
Memphis that we had not visited. So, next we toured the
Memphis Rock & Soul Museum. We probably should have done
this one first, since it was the most general and would have
been a nice
overview for the more specialized museums and such.

Last meal in Memphis. Technically, a salad. Now drinking beer at
the airport. The weather is terrible so we could be delayed.