Day 14
Wednesday, 10 Jun 2009
Imlay City, MI to Wallaceburg, ON
58.4 miles, 4h32m, 12.8 mph
Elapsed Time: 6h22m, Max speed: 28.1mph
Total Climbing: 474ft, Max elevation: 869ft
Total mileage: 890.7
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The Internet still did not work when I woke up this morning, so I
the telephone to make a reservation at the Days Inn in Wallaceburg,
Ontario. I was able to get the phone number without using the
because I had written it on my map--part of my compulsive
over-preparation for such trips. This is one of the rare times it
off. So I knew where I was going anyway.
I made a fairly early escape from Imlay City, along with the rest of
the morning rush, and headed generally south and east. The wind was
a major factor. Now I'm getting into a more serious part of the
country. I saw only one giant animal all day.
That would be a steer on a trailer outside of a sausage shop.
The country was a mix of farming and residential. No problems with
dogs. No problems with cars. I stopped in the surprisingly large
of Memphis for a slice of apple pie. And again in a less-memorable
place to buy more Advil....can't have enough of that.
Typical scenery.
The road quality was mixed.
This is a really good road.
This is the same road, a half mile earlier. WTF?
One thing you can be sure of is that when you cross a county line
road conditions will change. Could get better, could get worse.
changes. (No matter how bad something is, it can always get worse).
Finally I bounced my way down to St. Clair, where I stopped for
and then hit the bike path that would take me south to Marine City.
This is the Bridge-to-Bay Trail. I'm not sure if it's on the
Bike Map....don't care. I'm through with Michigan. I should say,
however, that the Michigan drivers were very courteous, and I had no
problems whatsoever. For that matter I had no problems with
or Minnesota drivers either.
I also had no problems with dogs. The nearest I came to a problem
was a
couple of small dogs that came out after me on to a highway on the
to Baraga way back when. They never got close enough to threaten me,
but they could easily have been squashed on the high-speed,
truck-friendly road. If I had come by 30 seconds later they probably
would have been. That owner is an idiot to let them run free out
Anyway, the path took me to Marine City and I worked my way down to
ferry landing. I arrived just in time and walked my bike on without
speaking to anyone. I was jammed in the back of the boat, which was
completely full of vehicles, including a huge tractor-trailer full
Goodbye Michigan! Goodbye America!
My bike got to take it easy for a couple miles.
On the Canadian side, the customs person asked me about my trip. The
only hitch was that I was carrying pepper spray. As long as it was
"dog" pepper spray it's okay to bring it in to Canada, but not if
"people" pepper spray. I didn't know there was a difference, but she
let me keep it.
Then it was a few miles down the St. Clair River and a left turn
to Wallaceburg. It took forever. So far I'm not impressed with the
Canadian roads.
Riding down the St. Clair Parkway along the St. Clair River.
This stretch of road has a bike lane.
Most roads didn't even have a shoulder.
I think I'm going to try to make it to Port Stanley tomorrow,
permitting. Maybe I'll touch Lake Erie! Not sure about lodging yet.
may end up camping. There just don't seem to be many motels along my
route. We'll see.
"Great Lakes Tour 2009" Copyright © 2009 By
Clemons. All rights reserved.