Day 9
Friday, 5 Jun 2009
St. Ignace, MI to Cheboygan, MI
38.5 miles, 3h37m, 10.6 mph
Elapsed Time: 6h33m, Max speed: 25.5mph
Total Climbing: 1181ft, Max elevation: 894ft
Total mileage: 542.6
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Today was what bicycle touring is supposed to be like. The weather
perfect, the cool stuff to see was along the way, and I didn't have
ride very far.
I finished my leftover pizza for breakfast, and then added a cup of
coffee and bowl of oatmeal from the hotel. I rolled out at about
looking for three things: 1) a trash can to throw away the extra
food I
bought yesterday, 2) an ATM, and 3) a place to buy ferry tickets for
Mackinac Island. I found the ferry tickets, then I had to hustle to
make the boat, so I didn't get to throw away the food or get money.
Pretty exciting stuff, huh?
So I rode the boat to Mackinac Island. I'm sure everyone but me has
already been there, but I'm going to talk all about it anyway. I'd
never realized that there are no motor vehicles on the island
for the front-end loader I saw, and the pick up truck I think I
a glimpse of, and the tractor-trailer rig that was sitting on a
deserted pier on a remote corner of the island) and that everyone
travels by bicycle, horse-drawn conveyance, or on foot. I
it was charming. Sort of a bicyclist's paradise. I went for a ride
around the island on the road that runs around the island's
and then into the interior and up to the top of the highest point on
the island. Everything was great until I returned to town and
discovered that it was overrun by tourists and school children. The
charm was gone, now it was a tourist trap. I grabbed a burger for
and got on the 12:00 boat for Mackinaw City.
The harbor at Mackinac Island.
In the morning, when it was still charming.
The awesome road around the island.
Lake Huron. I actually touched it but I totally botched the
There will be other opportunities.
This is where the Americans landed in 1812 to try to take the
island from the British. This canon wasn't actually there at the
but it might as well have been. The Americans lost.
It takes three large draft horses to pull the average American
up a hill.
The ole bike in good weather trim. That's the last you'll see
of that for a while.
The Grand Hotel
By 11am the streets were clogged with tourists and children.
If you look closely you can see that they are using forklifts to
horse-drawn wagons.
Mackinaw City is a lot like St. Ignace. Both tourist towns that
as gateways to Mackinac Island. I rode north to get a look at the
bridge and to see Fort Michilimackinac, but to get to the Fort you
to go through a visitor center and pay $10. The $10 was not a
but the visitor center was choked with children and I couldn't get
through. So I rode to Cheboygan.
Ye Olde Mackinaw Lighthouse
Ye Olde Mackinaw Bridge
The nice weather ended sometime between five and six this evening
the temperature dropped 10 degrees and it started raining. It's not
supposed to rain tomorrow for my 80 mile ride to Alpena, but it will
cold again, then crappy for three days after that. Sunday is looking
particularly lousy.
"Great Lakes Tour 2009" Copyright © 2009 By
Clemons. All rights reserved.