Day 7
Wednesday, 3 Jun 2009
Ishpeming, MI to Munising, MI
60.2 miles, 4h32m, 13.3 mph
Elapsed Time: 5h34m, Max speed: 33.1mph
Total Climbing: 2486ft, Max elevation: 1503ft
Total mileage: 379.5
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Wow. What a day. Rode lots of miles. Saw lots of stuff. Now I'm
fighting off a food coma to get this done and posted.
The main goal of the day was to get to Munising in time for a 2pm
cruise along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. I made it, but
was touch and go for a while.
It was about 34 degrees when I rolled out of Ishpeming. It was
and it stayed sunny all day, but it also stayed cold.
I was bouncing down the crappy "bike path/sidewalk" in Ishpeming,
a mile into the ride, when I heard a strange sound. It was not a
spoke-breaking sound--more of a twang. I looked down at the bike and
looked okay, wheels were still turning. But I thought I'd stop and
a look. Turns out one of the bungie cords that was holding my tent
the rear rack bounced loose and got hooked on a spoke. I could see
hook hanging there. The rest of the cord was wound around the rear
axle. The bungie cord snapped before it could rip out a spoke. So,
that's good to know. The bike was fine but I needed a new bungie.
Fortunately I was right in front of a convenience store. In the UP,
convenience stores carry anything that could possibly be
fishing-related. Apparently bungie cords are needed in fishing--I
to hold closed the beer cooler with the broken latch. So, that cost
a few minutes.
The run in to Marquette was mostly downhill. There is a US41 bypass
around town that I wanted to take, but there was a sign that said no
bikes. Of course, the sign was about 200 yards after I could have
easily and safely exited the highway, so I had to perform some
maneuvers involving riding the wrong way on a ramp, and other
Then I had to pick my way through town (and stop at the Burger King
a cup of coffee). There was a nice bike path along the lake in
Marquette and along the shoulderless US 41 east of town. The path
got crappier and crappier until it mercifully expired right where I
made the turn onto MI 28 toward Munising.
There were other distractions to slow me down, like a nice stretch
That's a pretty big lake.
...and Lakenland,
a sculpture garden filled with art constructed from junk (what else?
This is the UP). You can drive through the place on a road made of
and wood chips. I risked flat tires and splinters to ride through
of it.
A dinosaur with a fishing pole.
Little John Deere sunflowers.
Not sure what to make of this.
So that delayed me a bit. Then there were some hills and some more
beaches that looked kind of cool.
I think this was in Au Train.
I actually arrived at the Munising Days Inn at just about 1pm. By
I had showered, changed, and walked across town to the pier, and
a ticket on the 2pm boat. I also bought a sweatshirt, which I'm
to find a way to carry. This has been a problem with the cold. I've
been riding in my rain jacket rather than my wind jacket so that I
something to wear out to dinner that doesn't smell terrible. So I
like a pig all day in my rain jacket while I'm freezing. I also
have shoes, so I wear sandals with black cycling socks when I go
out. I
really wish it would warm up. Anyway, tomorrow I can wear my wind
jacket for riding since I have a sweat shirt for apres ride
So I got on the boat and sat up on the open roof in the cold. I took
about 50 pictures, here's a few.
This is the Miner's Castle.
This is what it looked like if I stood up and snapped a picture.
This tree receives all its nutrients from the roots that reach
over to
the mainland.
Many years ago there was a land bridge there. Now just roots.
Tree's doing well though.
Crystal Falls. This is where we turned around.
This dude was letting gulls take bread out of his mouth.
A "schoolhouse"-style lighthouse of 19th Century vintage.
After the cruise I went out to dinner and ate a lot of food. Soon I
will sleep.
I have no real plan for tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be
good--even a little warmer--so I'm just going to ride as far as I
I might be camping and I probably won't have Internet access
night. We'll see.
"Great Lakes Tour 2009" Copyright © 2009 By
Clemons. All rights reserved.