Day 4

Wednesday, 2 June 2004
  Bremerton, WA to Shelton, WA
41.4 miles, 2h59m, 13.9 mph
Elapsed Time: 3h25m, Max speed: 35.6mph
Total Climbing: 1733ft, Max elevation: 381ft
Total mileage: 249.3

Copyright 2002 DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

Day four would be the last day that Linda would be with us to haul our gear. For that reason, and because we were pretty beat from day three, we decided to make this a short one.

The weather was beautiful as we rolled out of Bremerton and it stayed that way all day. There were some hills getting out of town and a really nasty climb about half way through the forty-mile ride, but otherwise the day was very pleasant. We even had a tailwind.

We passed this giant tree on Belfair Valley Road.

We took a short break at Mason Lake. Very nice.

Mason Lake

As we approached Shelton, the Olympic Mountains hove into view to the north. Most of the land we rode through is under the dominion of a lumber company and has been clear cut and replanted.

Clear cut, uncut, and Olympic Mountains.

We reached the motel before 1pm and grabbed lunch at the Denny's. Yummy. Then we returned to the room to begin the painful process of deciding what we would keep and what would be sent back with Linda.

Tough decisions about gear.

Linda drove us out to dinner and then took off for Seattle. She is flying back to Baltimore tomorrow. JT and I will be riding to Aberdeen, Washington and carrying all of our gear.

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"JT and BC's 2004 Pacific Coast Ride" Copyright © 2004 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.