Day 17

Monday, 27 Jun 2016
Springfield, MO to Joplin, MO
79.7 miles, 6h48m, 11.7 mph
Elapsed Time: 9h02m, Max speed: 42.4mph
Total Climbing: 2726ft, Max elevation: 1351ft
Total mileage: 1033.9

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

Day 17: Springfield to Joplin. 80 miles. Look at me sharing.

I stopped at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield to check up on the progress of the Civil War. The movie was more professional
than the one at Pea Ridge. I didn't ride the tour route since I had enough riding to do today.

Most of the day I rode through farm and ranch country. Here a field full of longhorn hay rolls are kept in check by a barbed wire fence.

I rode most of the day on roads like this. Amazingly I was hassled by dogs only once--and the owners were right there to tell me
that the dogs were not dangerous. So I didn't pepper-spray them.

Those rumble strips look fresh. The drunkenly placed reflectors are a nice touch.

George Washington Carver National Memorial. Peanuts must be used for all kinds of crazy things here if you have to be warned.

I changed my route into Joplin to avoid some hills. Instead I ended up at the highest point around--judging by the tower cluster. There was
another tower across the street. Tomorrow I head for Fort Scott.

Beer: Coney Island Hard Root Beer, Boulevard Tank 7 IPA, Boulevard Wheat.


"Ozarks Tour 2016" Copyright © 2016 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.