Day 8

Friday, 12 Jun 2015
Dayton, WA to Clarkston, WA
66.3 miles, 4h43m, 14.1 mph
Elapsed Time: 5h26m, Max speed: 51.5mph
Total Climbing: 2654ft, Max elevation: 2792ft
Total mileage: 476.2

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

Day 8 started with a 6-mile climb followed by an 8-mile descent. Then there was a 30-mile climb followed by a 15-mile descent.
This truck was on the first climb. It must be very popular since it had its own little pull-off for people like me.

The first climb looked a lot like yesterday's climb. Only the road was better. The descent was screaming with lots of exciting
wind gusts and passing trucks to keep me on my toes.

The second climb looked more like this. It was very long, but not very steep. And there was a raging tailwind most of the time.

The town of Pomeroy was part way up the climb. I'll remember Pomeroy because after 400 miles without having any trouble with dogs, there
were two separate incidents in this one town. One caught me but didn't know what to do. The other wasn't really trying. I would have
pepper sprayed the first one but I was surprised and fumbled around and never got off a shot before the dog changed its mind.
Oh, this is the courthouse.

And I'll remember Pomeroy because of this guy with his trailer full of gas pumps.

And this guy with his lawn art. He also had an eagle and a dinosaur and something else. Not sure what they're made from.

Finally out of Pomeroy on my way up the climb. The wheat (or whatever) looks pretty when the wind is blowing it flat.

I finally reached the top. It was really windy up there. And not much of a view.

The descent was terrifying. For the first time ever I topped 50mph on a touring bike (51.5 to be precise). My hands were cramped from
the death-grip I had on the handlebars for 10 miles. I must admit that I touched the brakes a couple times--otherwise I might have reached 55. Oh boy.

At the bottom of the hill I found the Snake River, which I followed into Clarkston.

I was passing this golf course just as that foursome back there was teeing off. Then I noticed a golf ball flying over to the highway
about 20 yards ahead of me. It bounced twice and then right into the river on the other side. I stopped and looked back.
The guy who hit the drive waved.

After we checked in the hotel, Linda and I drove off the see the Nez Perce National Historical Park. This was the Indian Agent's house. I'll be seeing
several Nez Perce sites in the next few days.
Linda drives back to Portland tomorrow to catch her flight home. I'll turning south toward Boise.


"Northwest Tour 2015" Copyright © 2015 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.