Day 6

Wednesday, 10 Jun 2015
Maryhill, WA to Umatilla, OR
84.0 miles, 5h46m, 14.5 mph
Elapsed Time: 6h33m, Max speed: 38.8mph
Total Climbing: 2211ft, Max elevation: 960ft
Total mileage: 324.0

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

We stayed in The Dalles, so in the morning Linda drove me back to Stonehenge. Just can't shake that Mt. Hood.

It is a little-known fact about Stonehenge that on certain days of the year, if you stand in precisely the right place, you can see your car.

I climbed away from Stonehenge into the wind farm. As usual in the gorge, it was a tailwind.

Another dam photo. This is the John Day Dam.

During the day the scenery went from this desert canyon look to more of a desert grasslands look.

The only store between Maryhill and Umatilla is at Roosevelt. They have a ledger for cyclists to sign and write comments--since we all pretty much have to
stop here. When I signed I noticed the next riders were a day ahead of me. Linda said there are a couple behind me as well. I never saw
anyone coming the other say.

A lot of the day looked like this. Thanks to the tailwind I was able to maintain the big chainring for almost all of the climbs.
Linda met me at Crow Butte State Park with some food for lunch.

My final average speed for the day was 14.5mph, which tied for my fastest day of touring ever. There really were very
few reasons to stop. The scenery changes very slowly. Note that the gorge has disappeared. Now it's just a wide valley.

It's no Historic Columbia River Highway, but at least I got to ride on an abandoned roadway today.

I can't imagine the bike path on the Umatilla bridge gets much traffic other than touring cyclists--but I'm glad it's here.

Another dam photo. This is the McNary Dam at Umatilla. You can see I was trying to push the bear away with my thumb,
but he still got into my dam photo.

They have these windows into the fish ladder so you can watch the fish struggle against the current. I had Linda stand there
in a blatant bid for FB likes.

You have no idea how many pixels I wasted trying to get this picture.
Tonight we are staying on Kennewick, WA for some reason. So tomorrow we'll drive back to Umatilla so I can ride from there to Dayton, WA.


"Northwest Tour 2015" Copyright © 2015 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.