Day 16

Thursday, 28 Jun 2012
  Jefferson City, MO to St. Charles, MO
107.7 miles, 8h27m, 12.7 mph
Elapsed Time: 10h57m, Max speed: 20.7mph
Total Climbing:
576ft, Max elevation: 680ft
Total mileage: 1061.7

Copyright 2002
        DeLorme. Topo USA. Data copyright of content owner.

The high temperature in St. Charles today was 106 degrees. The high in Jefferson City was 107. So I had to ride 108 miles.

I took very few photos. Both because it was really hot and because I saw very little that I hadn't seen yesterday--lots of historical markers regarding Lewis & Clark campsites and lots of fine, white dust. And heat.

This is the bolt-on sidewalk on the Jeff City bridge. In the afternoon heat yesterday, those
floor panels had all warped into annoying little bumps. In the morning they were not so bad.
The lowest bidder strikes again.

This is a better look at the contraption for getting up to the sidewalk.

Back on the Katy. That's some kind of aid to navigation--though the only craft I saw
on the river was a dude in a kayak.

It was hot. I ate two cookies for lunch because I just didn't want to eat.

Linda met be at a little town called Treloar, so I was bagless for the last 50 miles.

And there was a scorching hot tailwind--not that I'm complaining.

My computer says it's 111 degrees. What's alarming is that it's not actually red.

I managed to get through the day without running out of fluids. We went out to dinner at a pub and now I'm really tired.

I'll finish up tomorrow with a triumphant return to the Arch--incluing two crossings of the Mississippi River.


"Great Plains Tour 2012" Copyright © 2012 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.