Day 2

Monday, 29 May 2017
  Newquay, Cornwall to Tinhay, Devon
56.4 miles, 6h21m, 8.9 mph
Elapsed Time: 8h46m, Max speed: 34.4mph
Total Climbing: 3917ft, Max elevation: 948ft
Total mileage: 129.2

Day 2: Newquay to Tinhay. 56 miles. Another very hard day. We noticed a break in the hedges and peered through. Huh.
The weather today was much better. A little cooler but much less rainy. Still, we didn't see the sun till we were sitting
in the beer garden behind the pub in Tinhay.

More of this today. What's in those hedges? It was an item of not idle speculation between us. After all, if we met a
giant tractor coming the other way--as happens from time to time--we could well find out.

Mr. Balint says, "I think we can get a better price for horse poo elsewhere."

Sometimes Mr. Garmin has a sense of humor. We turned around and went another way.

We spent 10 glorious miles on the Camel Trail--a typical English bike path of varying quality. We actually had
a civilized lunch of Cornish pastys at a trailside cafe. There were lots of people out today.

We were enlisted to help ensure that these cows didn't stray in the bike path from the road. Exciting times.

Then we climbed out of the valley for a couple hours and entered an entirely different ecosystem.

Without hedges to guide us, we overreated here--dumping completely off the road in the heavy traffic--rather than letting the cars pass with inches to spare.

We ended up on a disused RAF base in the middle of nowhere. There were sheep.

Mr. Balint is happy to be leaving Corwall behind.
We are staying at a nice Inn in Tinhay. We were scheduled to ride 75 miles to Taunton tomorrow, but due to the brutality of the
first two days we decided to shorten it to 50 miles. Apparently we are staying in a castle in Tiverton. I don't know, Mr. Balint made the arrangements.


"End To End 2017" Copyright © 2017 By Bob Clemons. All rights reserved.